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Year 7 watch Hansel and Grettel at North Wall Arts Centre
Posted on: 13/12/2024The English Department, with lots of help from Y7 tutors, interns, TAs and support staff, took two groups of Year 7s – almost the whole cohort – to see the Creation Theatre production of ‘Hansel & Grettel’ (with two Ts!). It was enjoyed by all who attended: the students were entranced by the quirky musical production, while the staff were kept thoroughly amused with some top comedy moments and puns aplenty – including a standout number from the birds, during which Florence Nightingale, Sir Frances Drake and Steven Seagull all made an appearance. All the students were on their best DGS form – a real credit to the school from beginning to end. Ruby Hall and Naomi Blowers had this to say about it all:
Our Experience of the Hansel and Grettel Theater Trip
We really enjoyed this exciting trip. It began with an exhilarating, chaotic journey to North Wall Arts Centre in Oxford. Once we arrived, we were met with a relaxing and fun environment. We were seated and greeted with comfortable seats that were like fluffy marshmallows. The performers were excellent, they were professional and made us want to keep watching the pantomime. No one showed any signs of boredom. Everyone who went enjoyed it. The songs they sang were unique, upbeat and very catchy. The play consisted of funny, interesting characters who played their roles well and a good view of the stage. Certain parts were interactive which really drew the audience in and made the performance more enjoyable for all. The performers had amazing oracy, so everyone knew what was going on and kept in character. The costume changes were absurdly quick and flawless, so the flow of the show wasn’t disturbed. They made it their own and changed the original story by adding other characters, giving it its own personality and making it more interesting. The performance was funny and well-rehearsed. The journey back was full of noise and laughter about how much the performance was enjoyed by us all. Everyone adored this incredible performance (even the teachers loved it). Overall, it was an experience of a lifetime. We would highly recommend this to anyone who loves a good laugh and an amazing performance.
By Ruby Hall and Naomi Blowers
Feedback from the Theatre:
It was an absolute pleasure to have you all. I love the report from some of the children that we were sent too.