Thought for the Term by our House Captains - News Blog - 51³Ô¹ÏÍø


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Thought for the Term by our House Captains

Posted on: 25/09/2020

Fresh StartsFresh Starts WEB

At the start of a new year we have 7 new House Captains in place, working with our pupils through the year to inspire, motivate and encourage them in their academic and personal development. They personify the skills and attributes of our House namesakes and we asked them all what their thoughts were on the topic of ‘Fresh Starts’.

“A fresh start allows us to embrace the opportunities to learn in a school environment again. It can also be quite a daunting time, with new people, systems and classrooms. During lockdown, we picked up important skills but now is the time to restart with resilience. This will set us in good stead for a successful year”

Jessica Dubock, Macarthur House Captain

“A fresh start in my opinion is being able to press that reset button on yourself. Forgetting everything in the past and moving on with the future. Every year is filled with a variety of possibilities and opportunities providing everyone with the option to reset and start fresh.”

Oliviya Edison, Bussell House Captain

“A fresh start allows you to start anew and wipe the slate clean. It is important to have a positive outlook on the new year and think about how you can push yourself further. Make sure to learn from past mistakes and implement the knowledge that you have gained.”

Ellen Bradstock, Kennedy House Captain

“…Is about doing what is right for you, it's about clearing your head and not caring what other people think. Whether this is starting again on a clean slate or improving yourself for you. A fresh start gives everyone an opportunity to be who they want to be.”

Emilia Forster, Adie House Captain

“A fresh start allows you to reflect on the past year and the challenges you have faced but importantly it is about moving forward to becoming a better person. Perhaps you want to improve in a subject, attend school more often, or be more positive, a fresh start is the perfect opportunity.”

Sophia White, Wilson House Captain

“It is easy to assume that fresh starts mean big changes, such as moving to a new house, when actually they can be on a smaller scale. Whether it is changing your attitude towards a particular topic or rethinking how you speak to others, I encourage you all to use this opportunity to make a fresh start - it may be small but it will make a difference!”

Amelie Marah, Greenfield House Captain

For me, a fresh start is an opportunity for positive change, it is a chance to put the past behind you and become your best self. A fresh start can bring about new opportunities for you to be better than ever before - you can develop a whole new mindset and take on new challenges- they are a new and exciting beginning.”

Grace Simpson, Ennis House Captain

Thank you girls for giving such a wide range of thoughts on what ‘Fresh Starts’ means

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