51³Ô¹ÏÍø Welcomes Mr Speaker - News Blog - 51³Ô¹ÏÍø


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51³Ô¹ÏÍø Welcomes Mr Speaker

Posted on: 15/10/2018

It was a great privilege to welcome Mr Speaker, the Rt Hon John Bercow, to Didcot Girls’ School on Friday 5th October. Our students were inspired by his positive message about aspiring to a role in life you love and can commit yourself to absolutely. His support for young people, for education and for equality were equally inspiring for students to hear, especially from someone at the heart of UK politics. He told DGS students he is on a mission to attract more women and black, Asian and minority ethnic people to positions of leadership in Parliament – and faced questions about why politics is such a male-led career, how hard it is to be impartial and his most memorable debate.

During his morning with us he listened to presentations from several of our student groups including our Sixth Form Executive, Year 11 House Captains and representatives from the School Council.  Following these impressive presentations, in which he took a keen interest, he participated in a really lively and fascinating Q & A session to over 300 students in Cockcroft Hall. It was also appreciated that he took the time to listen to some specific issues that some of our pupils wanted him to address following the Q & A. Sixth former, Tara Paxton-Doggett, pictured here was one of those who articulately raised her issue of concern.

As well as students being interested in his role and life story, it seems as if Mr Speaker was equally impressed with our students. We later heard ‘Thanks ever so much for having the Speaker over to DGS today. He was in raptures about the visit and was very impressed with the confidence of the students and all the questions he was asked’

Headteacher, Mr Goodenough, said: ‘On behalf of our school and Didcot Sixth Form we want to pass on our thanks to Mr Speaker for being such an engaged and engaging visitor. His support of young people, of education and of equality are inspiring messages for young people to hear from someone in his position and definitely hit the right note with our students.’

Pictures courtesy of Jessica Taylor/UK Parliament

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