Junior 4x50m medley team ranked 7th fastest in the country! - News Blog - 51³Ô¹ÏÍø


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Junior 4x50m medley team ranked 7th fastest in the country!

Posted on: 20/11/2017

On Saturday 18th November, DGS travelled to the London Aquatic Centre to compete in the ESSA National Team Championships for the third consecutive year. 

To even qualify for the National Championships, they had to beat well over 300 schools, with only the top 30 fastest schools in the country going through. The girls qualified in 14th position with a time of 2:21:10 and were placed in Heat 2 of 3. We knew they had a lot of work to do in order to make the final; they would have to beat a further four schools in order to qualify, as well as knock at least a second off of their PB. 

Maddy had a great Backstroke start and held a strong position, putting us in second place. Theo took over with a storming Breaststroke length, putting us in first place at the half way point. Rebecca had to fight some strong fly swimmers during her leg, and Amber took to the final length with a faultless freestyle effort, bringing the team home in 3rd place. Cheered on by the 5th member of the team Kelsey, we celebrated a finishing time of 2:20:26, a new PB and school record, putting us in 5th position with one heat to go. 

The girls and I watched the final heat; Millfield set the pace and it was an intense time as we watched the schools come in and the times come up on the board. Searching the board for times that beat ours, we narrowed it down to just two schools, meaning we'd qualified for the final in 7th place. The girls, parents and I were ecstatic, and, I think, a little shocked! 

The final was an amazing experience, with each lane and school announced individually as they stepped up to take their starting position. The girls faced Millfield, Mount Kelly, Plymouth College, Sevenoaks, Newcastle Royal Grammer School, Berkhamsted, Farnborough, Keetlethorp High School and St Teresa's, so not an easy line up. They fought hard once again with such determination and managed to maintain their 7th position. 

The girls are officially ranked the 7th fastest Junior Girls' 4x50m Medley Team in the country! They showed real professionalism throughout the day and were an absolute credit to themselves and the school and I could not be prouder. 

Thank you to all the parents for coming along to support, and a huge congratulations to the Junior Squad; Theodora Wornham, Maddy Langley, Rebecca Elms, Amber Collins-Freeman & Kelsey Sym. 



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