Please enjoy the Thought for The Term from our Director of Ethos, Dr Khan - News Blog - 51³Ô¹ÏÍø


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Please enjoy the Thought for The Term from our Director of Ethos, Dr Khan

Posted on: 21/01/2022

Care - such a simple word yet so all-encompassing in its meaning. One of the most powerful things you can say to someone in your life is that you care about them; and sometimes, that is really all we need to hear.

The sentiment of care however goes well beyond this. Experience and research both show us that caring for others, in even the smallest of ways, goes a long way in contributing to our own happiness and wellbeing too - resulting in a very agreeable 'win-win' situation!  There is now evidence to suggest that caring for others results in physiological changes in our brain, improving our mood and aiding our mental wellbeing. People who do volunteering work on a regular basis for instance, benefit from having a strong sense of purpose and more self-esteem, alongside building new and rich relationships as they go along.

Stress, anxiety and even depression are all shown to decrease among people who take the time to help others in a meaningful way. Granted, we lead busy lives and there isn't always time to commit to volunteering, however, caring can happen in the smallest of ways and through the most fleeting of gestures. A kind word or look of support, just the offer of help or letting someone know you are there for them; perhaps offering empathy and reminding someone that you know how they feel and that you understand; thanking someone with sincerity or giving a heartfelt compliment - they all count and can make such a difference to someone's day. What a wonderful bonus that this act of showing care also benefits the person who is showing it!

While I strongly believe that our school community is based on the value of care, I would love to see us become even more intentional in the way we show it. Let it be at the fore of our minds this term and beyond and watch the magic that follows!

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